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I learned that making a video game can be easier than I thought. When I started this unit, I thought we would develop a virtual reality game, but we didn't. I learned that a video game can include an argument and that is something I found very interesting. I realized this the most when I started to discover the twine game. When I now reflect back to the game Limbo, I see that the game also has a argument in it. I will look different to video games from now on.

The most valuable thing of a video game is that it has the power to attract the attention of the audience in a interesting way by making it interactive. This is something that really works for me, instead of reading a long text, the video game can make you read whatever you feel like is important by playing the game with hyperlinks. This is also part of another affordance of video games. The interactive part makes it interesting, since it gives you the possibility to use if statements and make a more unique path for different audiences by the way of playing the game. The message can be different as a reaction on the way the player plays the game and maybe has a perspective on a certain subject.

I wish we covered more ways to make video games. I think regarding the short time, this was a really good way to learn about the affordances of video games, but I personally like a more polished game. So I would like to know more about the coding in Twine or how to make it more visual attractive. I also would like an article that goes more in depth how certain visual graphics can keep the attention of the player, since I think that is an important value of the medium video game. How can we make it as unique as possible in an easy way to make it more likely to keep the attention of the audience so our message can be forwarded? However, as I said, I think that would be too much for the time we had for it.

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